I am told that next week Nizar Jamaluddin is going to file a stay in the Federal Court to continue with Pakatan's version of who is the legitimate MB.

I was also imformed that Pakatan has every intention of continuing and bringing their political agenda to the next level.

A new series of ceramah will be launched. The so-called "1black Perak" t-shirt will be adorned.

Despite all the hype, I assure the rakyat of Perak that my executive councillors and I will continue with our usual business of the day – helping to maintain stability and bringing about development for the people.

For example yesterday, I visited Hospital Tuanku Bainun to observe the current level of dengue cases. After that I met with hospital administrators and discussed the hospital's requirement for the cardiology, paediatric and maternity departments.

All these are part of the government-of-the-day's efforts to improve public delivery services for the rakyat. I'm happy to note the hospital team of doctors and nurses are very dedicated.

A day earlier I was in RPS Dala, Gerik accompanying His Royal Highness the Sultan deep into the jungle to launch the solar power hybrid for the Orang Asli.

It was a fascinating experience to be with the Orang Asli who have been living there all their lives and to witness the government's efforts to provide infrastructure to uplift their well-being. I must say more should be done to increase their economic and education conditions.

I'm also working with the increasing number of investors who have started to flock back to Perak to enquire about investment opportunities.

Tonight the meeting with Bahrain's group and Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce will be held.

This school holidays also mean weddings for new couples. I have to attend as many as possible. I'm honoured to be invited but I must apologise that it is not possible for me to fulfill all in one day.

I have attended least 20 houses over the weekend. I'm happy because people are still friendly and they are equally honoured with my presence.

Judging from what I have witnessed, people want their lives to continue without disruption. They are fed-up with the unending attempts to change the political landscape of the state. They want a new beginning and do not want their daily routines to be manipulated with delusions of change and political upheaval.

I'm certain that people are beginning to judge that the call for destruction and to wipe-out any party is just not BN's way.

We are not the doomsday slayers who are utterly devoid of rationality. In essence, people will realise that the delusionist will always work to make the culprit the victim, and the victim the culprit.

Salam Perjuangan !


penyair dari gunung June 7, 2009 at 1:07 AM  

Teruskan tugas Dato' Sri macam biasa, kalau mereka nak buat kacau biar kami rakyat Perak yang handle...Don't worry

Mandailing Rangkuti June 7, 2009 at 2:33 PM  

Salam DS Dr.Z,

I would like to suggest in humble manner to you to practice the F.A.C.T.S. culture in discharging duties by the staff of Perak government.

F = Fast
A = Accurate
C = Comprehensive
T = Tactful
S = Systematic.
(I am holding the detail)

The above may also assist to generate better idea for you to improve further what you have in place now.


shahimah June 8, 2009 at 1:04 AM  

Keep up the good work Dato Seri!

As for Nizar, tak habis2 nak negak benang basah. He was given a chance to rule Perak but he screwed up. He bowled over DAP's whims and fancies and became their puppy. Sad, if not shameful. Sebagai Melayu Islam, saya malu dengan kelemahan beliau.

kamarul June 8, 2009 at 11:52 AM  

Salam DS Dr.Zambry,

Jgn pedulikan Nizar n the geng tu.Teruskan perjuangan Dato' untuk rakyat Perak keseluruhannya.
Pastikan setiap wakil rakyat menjalankan kewajiban mereka terhadap kawasan-kawasan mereka.

Lambat laun rakyat Perak akan sedar dengan propaganda 3 "N" tu.

memang banyak rintangan akan Dato' lalui tetapi saya yakin Dato' dapat mengatasinya.

torashah June 8, 2009 at 1:34 PM  

Salam Dato'Seri Dr.Zambry...

Kalau ada masa, jengok-jengoklah ke kampung Serdang, Sitiawan...
Salam perjuangan..


Cikgu June 8, 2009 at 11:19 PM  


The road ahead is long. However, every step we take will open up a new path, every step is a source of new hope.

We must sow the seeds of peace, the seeds of love, the seeds of hope, and the seeds of courage infused with the conviction that BN can definitely bring positive changes to Perak despite the unending political upheaval in the state.

We must sow the seeds of vision and take concerted actions that inspire the creation of a new society, a society that we can be proud of!


It is indeed a great moment to see the increasing number of potential investors who have shown keen interest, and who have started to flock back to Perak to grab at the investment opportunities. Their actions undoubtedly speak louder than mere words!


We must be bold and have the courage to stand firmly for justice. Whatever obstacles you may encounter, always maintain a bright countenance.

Let's never give up. Let's never give in!

Salam Perjuangan.

achmad dzariean June 9, 2009 at 11:49 AM  

Salam DS Dr. Zambry,

Sekadar untuk makluman DS...saya adalah anak Perak yang bekerja di perantauan.minggu lepas saya dan isteri ada kesempatan untuk pulang kerumah ibu bapa saya di Taman Parit Jaya, Parit, Perak. dalam perjalanan saya dari pekan Parit menuju ke rumah saya, amatlah saya terkejut apabila melihat timbunan pasir yang tinggi di tepi sungai perak. seingat saya sewaktu kerajaan BN memerintah dahulu, projek pam pasir ini tidak pernah wujud. tetapi selepas Perak jatuh ke tangan PR, projek ini telah diluluskan.apa yang membimbangkan saya ialah projek ini dilihat berpotensi untuk merosakkan ekologi alam sekitar kerana ia amat berhampiran dengan tepi sungai perak dan bersebelahan dengan bukit. saya difahamkan pihak DS ada membuat lawatan kerja ke daerah Perak Tengah tetapi mungkin ada pihak yang terlepas pandang dengan isu ini.selari dengan entry tagline DS dalam blog ini, saya dengan rasa rendah diri memohon DS meninjau dan mengambil respons terhadap perkara ini.Wassalam.teruskan perjuanganmu DS Dr. Zambry.

Achmad Dzariean,
UUM Sintok, Kedah.

Kak Midah June 9, 2009 at 12:28 PM  

Selamat Berkerja

Hamidah Osman

Mandailing Rangkuti June 9, 2009 at 1:14 PM  

Salam DS Dr.Z,

A SMART Person Learn From Experience And A WISE person learns from The experience Of Others.

Be Kind And Courteous On Your Way UP Because You Might Meet Them On Your Way DOWN>

yes June 9, 2009 at 2:03 PM  

Hairan juga ya , semua yang menulis memuji dan memuja. Tak satu pun catitan yang tak bersetuju dengan YB

Luth Textile June 10, 2009 at 1:26 AM  

Dato, berjuang untuk anak bangsa, agama dan negara.. Jangan kita menderita dek perebutan kuasa dan nak isi tembolok masing - masing

YB, rakyat akan sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan kerajaan negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan!

Anonymous June 10, 2009 at 9:44 AM  

Sebagai rakyat Perak, kami mmg dah fed-up dgn isu perebutan kuasa yg berlaku. Buat mcm mana pun, selagi BN pegang k'jaan pusat, selagi tu kebenaran sukar ditegakkan.

Kita cerite aje di PRU 13 nanti. Kalau tak pun, cerita aje masa di padang Masyhar.

Amir June 10, 2009 at 7:56 PM  

Dari dulu sampai sekarang, saya tak pernah terbaca ada komen yang mencaci DS. Hebat DS nie!...

Cikgu June 10, 2009 at 8:46 PM  

"Perak BN government announces whopping RM9bil investment" - The Malaysian Insider, 10 June 2009.

Well done, Dato'Seri. Keep up the good work!

"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger, the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger but recognize the opportunity."
- John F Kennedy.

AntiHero June 11, 2009 at 7:05 PM  

teruskan kerja seperti biasa dato Seri ramai rakyat bawahan yg menyokong dato seri cuma dan saya juga menyokong dato seri


Fyzal June 12, 2009 at 11:17 AM  

Kepada Encik Tanpa Nama..

Selama PR memegang Perak la, kebenaran tak dpt ditegakkan..

Kepada Dato' , teruskan bekerja dan berusaha.

Permintaan saya sebagai rakyat Perak, saya harap Dato' dapat membuat lawatan ke daerah Gerik, dan melihat keadaan bandar Gerik sekarang.

Jika boleh, saya pohon agak Dato' lebih banyak membuat pemantauan ke atas kakitangan kerajaan negeri Perak kerana ada yang gagal menjalankan tanggungjawab secara efektif dan efisyen.

Salam Perjuangan Dato'

k0m4nd3r June 12, 2009 at 5:31 PM  

X kisah la DS di pihak yg benar atau salah, yang penting sapa2 yang jadi MB skarang, buat kerja dulu. ingat bukan senang tugas jadi pemimpin. banyak bebanan yang tertanggung sebenarnye.

siMerah June 12, 2009 at 8:39 PM  

Dato' Sri Kena banyak kerja keras, sebab kalau pilihanraya semula dilaksanakan SPRM, Ramai berpendapat BN akan kalah teruk. Rakyat sedang memerhati telatah politik merebut kerusi dan melompat pemimpin di Perak ini.

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